Price alone does not distinguish that luxury status. It is location, property entry, architecture, decor, decadent amenities, entertainment capability, lovely grounds and myriad of other details that help a home stand out from the ordinary.
A supersized McMansion does not qualify as a luxury home, unless it has the requisite extras, superior location and a view...perhaps.
As discerning and honest luxury real estate professionals, we believe we know a luxury home when we see it...especially when the property has all the markings of luxury, location, and panache.
Luxury home buyers want real estate representation that provides, in order of preference:
- 86% - Help in finding a luxury home
- 56% - Help in managing the transaction
- 43% - Expert negotiation counsel
- 34% - Advise on purchasing a luxury home
- 28% - Assistance with paperwork
- 13% - Help understanding the process
- 9% - Help locating jumbo financing
Other tidbits...
- The average down payment for the luxury home buyer is 33.6%.
- The typical luxury home buyer spends 11 weeks searching for a home prior to purchase.
- Luxury home buyers, on average, look at 12 homes before making a final decision to buy.
- The typical luxury home buyer seeks a residence with a minimum of 3500-4000 square feet, at least 4-5 bedrooms, and a minimum of 3-4 bathrooms.
Ready to buy a luxury home in the St. Louis metropolitan area? Give us a call at (314) 348-4033 to get started. We have many fabulous luxury properties getting ready to hit the market.
If you have an exceptional home you would like to sell, contact us at (314) 348-4033 for a FREE home evaluation to find out if your home will qualify as a coveted PREMIER GROUP "Signature Home" ... the luxury standard in the St. Louis area.